The mother, Neera Verma has the Morning Breakfast ready to serve to her family.
Mother Come along everybody on glass top dining table for Morning Breakfast .
Reena Mamma, I’ll lay the Breakfast table. what are the breakfast foods for today
Ranjan I’ll bring in and serve the breakfast meals.
Mother Yes, that will be a big help. Thank you.
Father Well, well. What is the breakfast menu this morning?
Reena To begin with, there is porridge with milk.
Morning Breakfast
Mother I’ve made scrambled eggs for Morning Breakfast today. Papa is having his fried egg.
Ranjan Vikram, would you like some butter bread?
Vikram Yes please. And jam toast as well.
Mother That is a pretty table flower arrangement you’ve made, Reena.
Father Please pass me the salt and pepper , Ranjan. Thank you.
Vikram Yummy, scrummy! The jam toast is delicious.
scrambled eggs
Reena Be careful. Do not spill your food on the round table cloth, Viki.
Vikram Why does papa always sit at the head of the table?
Ranjan Because papa is head of the family so that is his place.
Reena And mamma sits at the other end of the table.
Vikram Mamma, What’s for lunch today?
Mother I am planning to make red meat curry, dal fried rice and some salad
Vikram What about a plum pudding?
ice cream dessert
Mother I’ have already set the ice cream in the fridge
Father When you finish your meal be sure to fold your table napkins.
Ranjan Vikram, lay your fork and knife straight on your plate
Vikram I hate to drink milk in the morning breakfast.
Reena But you have to drink it. Let me add some Bournvita to your milk, then it will taste better.
Mother Who will give me a hand with clearing the table?
napkin folding
Everyone We all will.
Mother Mind, no one drops the china crockery
. Please place all the plates near the sink.
Reena I’ll rinse out and wipe the silver cutlery.
Ranjan I’ll dry out the plates and the glass tumblers.
Father And I’ll put china crockery in the cupboard.
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