About Pet
Walking to school along with his schoolmate, Deena shah, Vikram discusses the About Pet they both have.
Deena Do you love pet? Do you have a pet?
Vikram We had a doberman dog last year, but he died. We all loved him so much , who died of dog disease.
Deena how did he die? He did not get dog lyme disease treatment? Do you have any knowledge about dogs?
Vikram Our Doberman dog Tommy was run over by a speedy car.Our Doberman dog was quite old, abut ten years, but he would have lived yet for another four or five years.
Deena If you feel sad, why don’t you keep another small pet dog?
Vikram My mother says that in this town there is a big servant problem. She has to do all the housework herself and she has no time to train a puppy. Training for dogs is not an easy job.
Deena My elder sister sent me a small dog puppy from Sikkim.
Vikram What this dogs breed was called?
Deena It is called an ABSO. Dog puppy has long black hair and is always going to remain very small.
small dog puppy
Vikram Why does small dog puppy have such long hair, I wonder, if it is such a small dog?
Deena My sister says that it has this thick coat for long cold. Oh you must see this . Small dog puppy he is the sweetest little thing in the world. It looks a ball of black wool.
Vikram Have you decided Dog name ?
Deena We are going to call him Gompu, because we got him from a Gompu, which is a temple in Sikkim.
Vikram Where do you keep small dog puppy Gompu?
Deena Gompu sleeps in a little basket in my room. He has got a collar too. Dog puppy is very tiny but he sits up in dog baskets kept in different rooms .Dog puppy gives a sharp little bark to wake me up in the morning. He can already do a few dogs tricks.
Vikram Before we came here, my father was posted at Ferozepore. I used to have a pair of white pet rabbits . This white pet rabbits couple had a number of babies. Soon there were so many white pet rabbits that we didn’t know where to keep them.
Deena What did you do with white pet rabbits couple and number of babies. then?
Vikram I traded them for bajris (coloured birds) with the priest in the church close by.
Deena Oh! How clever of you?
Vikram Now my sister is planning to buy a Siamese kitten.
Deena Cats have a soft, furry coats but they are not as faithful as dogs.
Vikram My sister Reena has information about cats. Cat pets are clean and easy to manage.
Deena But Cat pets scratch and mew so softly that they cannot warn you about
outsiders coming into the house.
Vikram Oh, but about dogs, They too can be a nuisance and dog bite can be very embarrassing.
Deena Don’t you, like the dogs any more? You used to have a british dog before and you loved him a great deal. What’s happened to british dog now?
Vikram I loved Tommy. He was one of the best dogs & faithful companion. He would give me his paw to hold as a sigh of welcome when I returned from school. He was very brave
too, I used to feed the dog myself every day and mamma used to brush his coat
Deena Then why keep cat pets now?
Vikram My sister wants a cat pet . May be we’ll buy a dog later. But I ‘am not sure that
the dog and the cat will be friends together.
Deena Hum. That might be a problem I’m thinking of getting a bowl to keep goldfish
in. What do you think of this idea?
Vikram We’ll discuss about pets on our way back from school. Here is the school bus.
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