Building Elevator
Ranjan works on the eighth floor of a ,. Each morning he has to go up in the building elevator to the office. Ranjan is standing in the queue with a colleague of his, prema.
Ranjan pressing the elevator button
Ranjan Good morning prema. You are looking well this morning.
Prema Good morning to you too. You too are looking smart, (Ranjan is in conversations with other passengers waiting to enter the elevator)Thank Goodness there isn’t such a long line for the Elevator this morning.
Ranjan Here comes the glass Elevator. It takes only eight passengers. I think we can all get in. Come on, get in ahead of me.
Prema No, no, Ranjan. You were in the line. before me, you get in first.
Ranjan That doesn’t matter, ladies first always.
They both get into the lift to go to their office floors.
passengers waiting to enter the elevator
Prema in conversations with Ranjan That was very chivalrous of you. It is nice to come across a young man who has polite manners and etiquette. These days, men treat women with even more discourtesy because they say that if you women are to have equal rights, you must share the discomforts equally too.
Ranjan I guess one could argue this subject in many ways. But personally I am of the opinion that man must have manners and etiquette to show courtesy to a lady.
Prema How about the ladies who work in a subordinate position to a man.
Ranjan This is a situation which occurs all the time. And I do notice that the men are not quite sure as to how to deal with their women employees.
Prema I think that a girl or woman who is working under a man in a subordinate position must give him the respect due to his position.
Ranjan You are quite right. Of course discipline must be maintained. But if the boss shows some courtesy which is only good manners, it doesn’t take anything away from his authority.
Prema What exactly do you mean?
Ranjan For instance, let us take the situation in which a man and a woman working in the same office floor have to travel together to some place. The man is senior to the lady. Who do you think ought to enter the lift first?
Getting out of glass Lift
Prema Well, normally, if there was no office relationship, the lady should enter first. But in this case, the matter would be decided by whoever is standing in the line ahead gets in first in the glass elevator.
Ranjan Not really. After all the two people working in the same office building do know each other. I see no harm in the gentleman letting the lady stand in front of him. In the same way, even though he is senior, he should open the door of the taxi or car for the lady to get into the vehicle. Even though people work at various grades in an office yet accepted office codes of courtesy ought not to be forgotten.
Prema Well, now I know whom to ask for a lift.
Ranjan You’re always welcome.Building elevator reaches office floor. The elevator door opens
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